The recession proves: sex doesn’t sell everything.
The short Mrs. Christmas outfit and the black laced nightie are decorating the store window on the Upper Dominick Street. David Andrews opened the Laura Jane Adult Shop in Galway two and a half years ago. It has been over 17 years since he started to work in the erotic business in Dublin.
Laura Jane Adult Shop in Galway, Photo: Tanja Goldbecher |
Next to the Firewoman, police and school girl costumes a red velvet dress with white feathers attached to it is hung up. “Until the 31st of October we have the Halloween costumes put up and from the 1st of November until the end of December it’s Christmas,” explains the owner of shop. It is the middle of November and none of the Christmas themed items have been sold yet.
Sales are down and even suspender underwear in red and white isn’t able to change that. “I don’t foresee any big rush for Christmas,” says David Andrews. “Not many people have money right now,” he adds. “It’s more like secret Santa than Christmas presents.”
“We are the most female friendly of the shops,” says Andrews. The sex shop has very little competition in the city and is located right in the middle of the pub and party area. To specialize on women’s accessories is a new concept of the family business. “Seven out of ten customers are women,” comments the 56 year old owner. Two days a week he employs well trained female staff to have an excellent customer service.
Looking back at the 70s the sex industry has made a huge transformation. “The women’s attitude has changed. They aren’t afraid to come into the shop anymore,” comments Andrews and says he thinks women are more independent and at ease these days. He even refers to the TV series `Sex and the city´ as an impulse for demanding female desires.
Most of the items that are sold are sexy underwear and toys for women. The bright range of choices makes that quite obvious. Andrews points at the blue rabbit vibrator with two big teeth on the side as the most popular product of its type.
A big red sign at the entrance indicates no one under the age of 18 is welcome in this shop. That is a self-regulation the shop has imposed to itself. The father of six believes a certain age is necessary to understand the equipment of a sex shop and asks customers for their ID if necessary. Even if he could increase sales Andrews wouldn’t lower the age limit.
The Laura Jane Shop is constantly trying to develop its business. Buying lots of its products in China is a way to reduce the prices for them. “It’s exactly the same product, just not branded,” states Andrews. “With €20 you can leave with two or three items,” he predicts, and adds that this wouldn’t have been possible before. Nevertheless, the shop guarantees to be 100 per cent Irish because of the two retail outlets in Ireland. The Laura Jane homepage even offers online shopping and has widened its range of products to club and footwear. In its self-description the shop claims to be “not intimidating and overpowering” like other sex shops but instead “bright, welcoming and comfortable”.
The Laura Jane Adult Shop was a founding member of the Irish Adult Shop Association in 2003. Unfortunately, nothing that indicates the existence of the association or other members can be found on the internet.
Three times Andrews has been to the biggest erotic trade show Venus in Berlin to look for new ideas and contacts in the industry. Venus is the biggest erotic exhibition worldwide with a broad entertainment program and the Venus awards. Since 1997 the event takes place at the Messegelände in Westberlin every year in October. In 2006 the Venus trade show even exhibited in Shanghai and Paris. After three trips to Germany David Andrews meets the same people every time and therefore hasn’t planned to go again.
Apart from underwear, costumes and toys the shop offers magazines and DVDs in the back. The number of sales isn’t high in that area either because of the availability of erotic movies on the internet. Nevertheless, the shop owner wouldn’t change the nature of his work. Andrews is convinced: “There will always be a market.”